Want to Help?
Your generous donation helps feed, train, and care for the mustangs as they make their journey from wild to mild! RAMS is also currently saving up to build an expanded training facility and buy a truck and stock trailer so that we can haul mustangs from the BLM corrals out west.
To make a tax-deductible donation, please use the widget below.
We work with Give Lively to service our donations; our full page can be found by clicking here!
If you would like to donate money by cash or cheque, feed, training tools, or other useful farm items, please email us or send us a message.
RAMS Wish List—Help Us Expand!
If you or anyone you know would be willing to donate any of the following, please let us know!
- Beet pulp, hay stretcher, or alfalfa pellets (always needed!)
- Hay (square or round bales—always needed!)
- Mane & tail detangler (always needed!)
- Low-sugar treats
- Rope halters
- Breakaway halters
- Bosal (and/or hanger & mecate)
- Corral panels (6 foot heavy duty preferred)
- Stock trailer (3 horse minimum, cannot have a ramp)
Become a RAMS Volunteer
We are currently looking for volunteers to help with the mustangs’ daily care. Volunteers must have at least a year of previous horse experience, and minors must have written parental consent. If you’d like to help out, please email us or send us a message on Facebook.
RAMS Merch
Represent RAMS with graphic tees, sweatshirts, mugs, tote bags, and more! Proceeds from the sales of these items goes directly toward the training and upkeep of the facility’s mustangs and burros.
Navigate to the RAMS merch store by clicking on the Store tab on the top menu or clicking this link!

Become a RAMS Sponsor
There are lots of ways to support RAMS, our mustangs, and our mission. Please email us or send us a message to arrange a sponsorship!
Sponsor a Mustang
RAMS often takes in completely feral, untouched mustangs and burros to train so they can find forever homes. You can sponsor the training and upkeep of one of these horses for $45 per month or $500 for a full year. Sign up for yourself, or give the gift of a mustang sponsorship to a loved one!
With a monthly sponsorship, you will receive:
- Regular updates about your mustang’s progress
- Your name (or your honoree’s name) featured prominently on the horse’s profile
- An announcement of your sponsorship on RAMS social media

If you sponsor a horse for 3 consecutive months, you will receive a mug featuring your mustang as the RAMS head logo!
If you choose to sponsor a horse for the full year (or if you sponsor for 12 consecutive months), you will also receive a hoodie featuring your mustang as the RAMS head logo!
Become a Major Sponsor
With your pledge of $2,500 annually, you or your business will receive:
- Sponsor’s logo on the RAMS website and FaceBook page
- Sponsorship announcement on RAMS social media
- Prominent signage (e.g. logo banner) on display at the RAMS facility for one year
- “Presented by” acknowledgement on marketing for educational and fundraising events for one year
- A private tour of the RAMS facility to meet the wild horses
- Tax-deductible donation receipt
Major sponsors keep the farm running and make sure we can find homes for as many mustangs and burros as possible!