Direct Adoption
RAMS periodically takes in mustangs from the USFS or BLM, gentles them, and offers them for direct adoption. Many of these horses will be ready for their new lives as sport or pleasure horses within just a few months of training at RAMS.
Occasionally, more challenging horses may be available with special circumstances that make them more difficult to socialize, such as pregnant mares or older horses. We also occasionally take in donated mustangs that are struggling to adapt to their current environment for any number of reasons. Many of the horses we accept take significantly longer than average to gentle; RAMS can offer them a safe landing to fully decompress from life in the wild. By the time they are listed as available for adoption, they are ready to open up to the perks of life with humans.
To see if we have any available today, check out our available horses page or contact us.
Please find our adoption application here.

Gentling and Training Board
We can help you find the perfect wild horse, bring her to our farm, and gentle her for you!
We offer training board for fully feral horses for a 60 day minimum or until you are comfortable and confident handling your mustang.
Choose this option if you want to pick your own horse from the USFS or BLM, but you do not have an appropriate facility for an untouched mustang and/or you are not confident gentling a wild horse.
For more information, check out our training board page.

Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals Satellite Pickup
RAMS hosts a remote pickup location for the Devil’s Garden mustangs managed by the United States Forestry Service. If you adopt a horse from Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals in Alturas, California, you may be able to have him shipped to our farm free of charge!
Choose this option if you have an appropriate facility for an untouched mustang and you wish to gentle your own horse from scratch.